Strategic Plan
In July, we launched our new Strategic Plan – a roadmap dedicated to fostering a ‘Positive and Sustainable Impact’ across the communities we support over the coming years.
At the heart of this plan is our renewed Statement of Purpose, which emphasises choice to enable people with a disability or other personal need to regain and retain their independence within an inclusive community.
Over the coming years we are focussed on expanding our impact in a meaningful way – for people, with purpose.
By putting our customers first in everything we do, leveraging our social enterprise capabilities to support our core purpose, delivering social impact that improves the wellbeing of people within the community, and delivering good governance we will ensure Independence Australia remains a trusted partner and high-quality service provider for those seeking independence within an inclusive and supportive environment.
Our strategic ambition is to significantly expand our impact in a positive and sustainable way.
We will do this by:
- Expanding our services to support people with disability
- Providing products for people to live independent lives
- Being an employer of choice in the NDIS environment.
Our statement of purpose
Independence Australia is a social enterprise that provides choices for people with a disability or other personal need, enabling them to regain and retain their independence within an inclusive community.

Our Values & Guiding Principles